We Are the Fighting Uruk-hai (4C210)

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We Are the Fighting Uruk-hai (4C210) is a Isengard Event from the The Two Towers set.

Collection Info
Title We Are the Fighting Uruk-hai
Unique No
Collectible Yes
Set 4 - The Two Towers
Rarity C - Common
Card Number 210
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Isengard
Side Shadow
Card Type Event
Twilight Cost 1
Game Text Skirmish: Make an Uruk-hai strength +2 (and damage +1 if you control a site).
Lore “‘But for us you'd all have run away.'”
DE - German
Card Name Wir sind die kämpfenden Uruk-hai
Game Text Kampf Gib einem Uruk-hai Stärke +2 (und Schaden +1, wenn du einen Ort kontrollierst).
Lore "Ohne uns wärt ihr schon alle davongelaufen.“
ES - Spanish
Card Name Somos Los Luchadores Uruk-hai
Game Text Escaramuza: Da a un Uruk-hai fuerza +2 (y daño +1 si controlas un sitio).
Lore “Pero para nosotros, todos vosotros habéis huido.”
FR - French
Card Name Nous Sommes les Combattants Ourouk-Haï
Game Text Combat : Donnez +2 en force à un Ourouk-Haï (et des dégâts +1 si vous contrôlez un site).
Lore « “Sans nous, vous vous seriez tous enfuits.” »
IT - Italian
Card Name Siamo gli Invincibili Uruk-hai
Game Text Schermaglia: Aggiungi +2 alla forza di un Uruk-hai (e Danno +1 se controlli un sito).
Lore “‘Se non ci fossimo stati noi sareste tutti fuggiti.'”

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN04S210.0
GEMP ID 4_210
LOTRO Hex ID 62 9D D0 03
LOTRO Image ID 04_210


Along with Lurtz's Battle Cry, We Are the Fighting Uruk-hai is one of two [Isengard] events able to give an Uruk-hai a damage bonus. Without having a site controlled, We Are the Fighting Uruk-hai is somewhat inferior to other skirmish events such as Ferocity - it costs 1 twilight and won't give more than a +2 strength boost. Still, as with any skirmish pump, it can turn would-be losses into wins, stacking tokens onto Down to the Last Child and keeping an Uruk-hai alive to take control of a site with Attack on Helm's Deep.

With a site controlled, the boost of We Are the Fighting Uruk-hai can be combined with the signature Damage +1 attribute of Uruk-hai to kill a companion with 3 vitality outright if that companion loses the skirmish without any wound prevention. We Are the Fighting Uruk-hai adds strength, unlike Lurtz's Battle Cry, giving a minion a much greater chance of delivering the extra wound. Because Uruk-hai trackers typically lack damage bonuses in favor of being fierce, We Are the Fighting Uruk-hai has added flexibility: it can be used to unexpectedly exhaust or kill a companion in the first skirmishes to make the fierce skirmishes even more harrowing, or surprise the Free People's player in a fierce skirmish by killing a companion wounded in the first. The card can also be combined with the innate site-based damage bonus of Uruk-hai Patrol for a whopping damage+3, although this may be superfluous against many companions.

Already costing 1 twilight, We Are the Fighting Uruk-hai loses further versatility when playing against Dauntless Hunter, though this can sometimes be mitigated by Saruman's Ambition.

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Strong Versus...[edit]

  • Characters with 3 vitality, often killing them
  • Characters who would otherwise win the skirmish and avoid wounds altogether

Weak Versus...[edit]

  • Wound negation, such as Armor or Smeagol, Slinker
  • Wound prevention, such as Lady of Rohan or Sister-daughter of Theoden
  • Skirmish trickery such as Gandalf's Staff or Pippin, Just a Nuisance

See Also[edit]

  • Largely inferior in the later sets, losing out to Violent Hurl and Ghastly Wound
